The Show 

As he approached the platform, the audience yelled his name in unison. The girls and guys were both enthralled by his voice. There were both cheerful and sad faces visible.

There was craziness all around him, yet he was unusually quiet within. A quiet that could easily drive others insane, yet he appeared to be well and ready to act once more. His forte was love ballads, which he excelled at since his voice was filled with emotion. His voice was deep and resonant, which added to its relaxing and mystical qualities.

He stared down at the pitch-black floor, then up at the pitch-black sky. When he closed his eyes, a face appeared in his mind. He cautiously opened his eyes, tears welling up in his eyes. Tears and that expression were constantly there in his performances.

He began singing as he gazed at the audience…

chalta hun acha chalta hun acha chalta hun

And then there was quiet, broken only by his voice…

No one could figure out how he could sing so brilliantly…

Perhaps it was his voice, perhaps it was his emotions, or perhaps it was the anguish behind his voice that made everyone cry…

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